Coming Full Circle

Well... here it goes...the ugly post

I really didn't want to do this but I just have to say....

What an embarrassment I was during my manic episodes...

I can't believe I actually believed that I was pregnant with twins and I posted about it on social media as if it was real....

I apologize right now to anyone that I may have hurt unintentionally. I was not in my right mind and I had absolutely no control over my actions.

I still don't know if I am clinically bipolar or if was just situational since I completely hallucinated everything and my body believed it and so I had the belly....

It is a little confusing to me, but since I have discovered my food sensitivities, it makes more sense now why I was so bloated, but I think it was more my mind over my body.

Again, I am sorry for what I did when I was psychotic. It was fun while it lasted.


onto real life.


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