Secondary Infertility (It exists)

Here we go again.

This is not easy for me to write, but since I already shared on this blog our struggle of trying to conceive another child, I feel like it would be unfair to those of you who are wondering what has happened since then.

So after I got put on my medication for Addison's back in November 2013 I made the decision that if we were not pregnant within a year, we would seek medical advice. I tracked my cycles, I bought ovulation tests, and pregnancy tests and I even took my temperature with a basal body temperature thermometer. Over this period of time I learned that I was ovulating and my cycles were regular, so that wasn't the issue and was one thing I could rule out when we saw the doctor.

The end of 2014 came and with it my period and I had had it. I could not stand not knowing what in the world was going on inside of me. I just knew that something had to be wrong. That same week I made an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist. We had our first consultation and with it came serious of tests we would have to do before being evaluated for treatment. We did all the required testing and made the appointment for another consultation with the doctor to go over our results and discuss treatment options.

That day was yesterday. We went and I couldn't believe my ears. We were told that our chances of conceiving on our own every month was 1 percent. The only treatment option that would work for us would be IVF with ICSI. (Google it)

When we left the office I was in shock and didn't really have any emotional feelings. I thought I would immediately be sad or angry or something, but really I just felt, blank. Today I felt a little more emotional and hopeless.

We are considering IVF, but we have to wait until we have money saved up and we don't know how long that will take. So for now I am putting this dream aside and giving it up to God. There is a very small chance that we could conceive on our own and as we save up money for this procedure, if God wants it to happen He will make it so. For now I am going to try my best to focus on the beautiful family I have and all the other aspects of my life that are there for me to enjoy.


  1. Jess, I am so sorry for this big challenge in your life. Your faith always inspires me but I'm sure it is still so difficult. I wish I could help or comfort you in some way. I hope The Lord blesses you with a glimpse of His plan for you and your family and that you can feel peace and comfort in this trial. I love you, friend!

  2. i'm sorry girl. it's so peculiar how our bodies work because it never makes sense to have secondary infertility. praying for you, girl.


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